More than just brushing and flossing are necessary for optimal oral and dental care. With advancing age, most people think that they will lose their teeth, but it doesn’t have to be that way, if you follow our recommendations below, you can lay the foundations of a healthier mouth.
Are Everyone’s Oral Health Requirements Different?
You can determine the specific needs of your oral and dental health by talking to your dentist and take the necessary precautions by determining the effects of your health condition together. For example, while a different precaution is taken regarding your oral health in the case of pregnancy, a different measure is taken for a dry mouth problem caused by a drug you use.
Have a Routine Oral Care Program
After talking to your dentist and determining the appropriate oral care program for you, apply that program and take a place among the things you need to do every day, without neglecting them, do not apply and leave for a short time.
Using Fluorur
Not only children but also adults can benefit from Fluorur. While contributing to the development of teeth in children and providing them with resistance to caries, it also has a decay preventing and desensitizing effect in adults. Although the toothpaste and oral care waters we use contain sufficient fluoride, your dentist may also apply or suggest preparations containing more intense fluoride, depending on your situation.
Brushing teeth and flossing
We should all brush our teeth and use dental floss at least 2 times a day. In this way, we remove the plaque from our mouth, which allows bacteria to feed on and between our teeth. If this plaque is not removed regularly every day, it causes bacteria to decay our teeth with the acidic environments created by the foods we eat. In addition, they cause gingival problems to take place in our mouth, and we must remove these plaques from our mouth very regularly and carefully in order not to allow them.
Snacks and Desserts
Every time we eat a meal, leftovers accumulate between the teeth, and they provide a source of bacteria. The more you eat and the more they stay in your mouth, the more the destruction that bacteria will inflict on your teeth and the more decays they will cause. Your teeth are exposed to acid attack for approximately 20 minutes after eating sugary or acidic foods. If you have to snack in between, brush your teeth after meals or use sugar-free gum.
A balanced diet is very important, however, it is necessary to supplement the vitamins we need daily, it is important for your general health as well as for your oral and dental health.
Quit or Reduce If You Smoke
Smoking significantly increases the risk of lung and intraoral cancer, causes gum disease and dark spots on your teeth, not to mention bad breath. We recommend that you do not smoke for your health.
Check Your Mouth Regularly
Although you go to the dentist regularly, check your own mouth regularly. Noticing a problem in your mouth until it’s time to check can make the treatment easier and less expensive. Tooth breakage, swelling of the gums, discoloration or non-healing wounds in your mouth are among many situations that you can observe and report to your doctor when you carefully control them. This control is especially important for smokers, since they have a greater risk of getting oral cancer, they should do these controls without delay.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly
Make a schedule for yourself on the recommendation of your dentist and go to your dentist for regular checkups and cleaning, not everyone should go as often, but it is good to go approximately every 6 months.