1971 Karabük doğumludur. 1995 Yılında Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’nden mezun olmuştur. 1995 yılında Kızılay’da serbest muayenehaneci olarak meslek hayatına başlamıştır. 2006 yılında Sağlık Bakanlığı kadrosuna da girerek sırasıyla;
6 ay Polatlı Sağlık Grup Başkanlığı
2 yıl Etimesgut 1 No’lu Sağlık Ocağı
1yıl Balgat Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi
6 yıl Gölbaşı Ağız ve Diş Sağlığı Merkezi’nde çalışmıştır.
2015 yılından itibaren Nokta Diş Kliniği’nde hizmet vermektedir.
What is Aesthetic Tooth?
Aesthetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that includes all of the applications to achieve a better smile in the mouth.
Aesthetics has an important place in dentistry, as in many areas of our lives. Because the teeth are in the direct field of vision. In order for the person to smile freely, the harmony of the gingival (gum and surrounding) elements, teeth and lips is important.
With the developing technology in aesthetic dentistry, functional features have also increased. In this way, the ideal smile is created with the design we call Smile Design.
White Filler (Composite),
Porcelain Laminated,
Empress Dental Coating,
Gum Aesthetics (Gingivoplasty – Gingivectomy),
Zirconium Crown.
Many people have caries in their mouths because of the lack of attention to oral and dental health. Since my teeth are not brushed incorrectly or not at all, bacteria from food residues settle on the tooth surfaces over time and cause decay. The important thing is to take precautions before these caries get too deep. This can only be done with a check to the dentist every 6 months.
If the teeth have begun to decay, the tooth should be cleaned from decay and filled without losing the tooth completely. The applied fill types are Metal fillings, Composite fillings and Ceramic fillings.
Metal fillings are a very strong type of filling that can be used for many years. However, with today’s technology, more aesthetic white fill or ceramic fill is preferred. It is a type of filling that can be used as strong and easily as metal fillings even in front or back molars. The composite filling fits the tooth very well and is indistinguishable from your natural tooth because it is in tooth color. Although there is no decay in the teeth, composite fillings are used for the front teeth to correct minor aesthetical defects. Ceramic fillings are an alternative aesthetic application used in cases that cannot be saved by filling if the rate of tooth decay is too high. Likewise, after the decay is cleaned, the tooth is measured and porcelain filling is prepared with CAD CAM system in the laboratory and placed in the patient’s mouth in the second session.
Laminated veneers are porcelain leaflets prepared with a thickness of 0.3 millimeters applied for aesthetic purposes. These porcelain laminates are adjusted in the desired color and size. In porcelain laminated application, the surface of the tooth is abraded very finely, in some cases it is applied without any abrasion. With this treatment, a small amount of crowding on the teeth, drug discoloration on the tooth surface and yellowing teeth are also made permanently white.
The only disadvantage of laminated coating is that it is not suitable for every mouth structure and closing shape. If the person has a tooth grinding habit, there may be breakage in the laminates. To prevent this, after the end of the treatment, a night plate is made for our patient to use at night so that there are no fractures caused by tooth grinding.
In aesthetic dentistry, zirconium dental treatment gives good results. Zirconium teeth are metal-free, compatible with the gums and high light transmittance, aesthetic tooth coating material. After the teeth are cut, they are measured and scanned in computer environment and their three-dimensional infrastructure is taken. After rehearsing for the infrastructure, the porcelains prepared in the laboratory become suitable for attaching to the patient’s mouth.
Zirconium veneers are difficult to distinguish from natural teeth as they have an aesthetic structure. Another advantage is that it is compatible with the gums and is anti-allergic. It is lighter than metal-supported porcelain and does not smell in the mouth.
Empress coatings are a personalized application prepared in computer environment with very sensitive devices. A very small loss of material is created from the empress tooth coating tooth surface. Reinforced and compressed porcelain is used instead of zirconium or metal supported porcelain. Since it is made with reinforced glass called empress, its light transmittance is excellent. In metal supported coatings, the color of the metal appears as dark on the gums. However, this is not possible in aesthetic works such as empress. It is compatible with the gums and is anti-allergic.
Teeth have an important position in our facial area during speech and communication. The appearance, arrangement and structure of the teeth give some clues about ourselves, even if we do not want to. When we smile, we call the harmony of our gums and teeth with pink aesthetics.
The gummy smile makes our smile aesthetically incompatible when the lips rise too high during the smile. The first thing to look at is whether the gums are healthy. If he has an unhealthy gum, the person is treated first and then the gingival adjustment is made. The gums are leveled with a small laser procedure and an ideal smile is achieved.
Some gums lose their rose pink color and become black, which is common in dark-skinned smokers. Treatment is possible and the color is lightened with laser. If no smoking, the rose pink color continues.